
FaceApp Frenzy

If you are on any type of social media platform, you have probably seen the affects of the “face app.” If you don’t what it is, you can look at the comparison of the people, in the photos up above. The Face app can use a photo you’ve already saved in your phone, or gives […]


Racine County Crash

On a normal Wednesday in Racine county, a five vehicle crash occurred on the 1-94/41. So far, the authorities know that two people were killed and three additional people were injured. An officer from Racine county, by the name of Sheriff Christopher Schmaling commented that this accident in particular was the worst he’s ever seen […]


Dogs Hate Stress Too

Through numerous amounts of studies, it’s been discovered that dogs can sync up their emotions and feelings to their owners. There are times where the dogs emotions are heightened, such as police work with canines or any type of competition. This new study tracked dogs and their owners, over the course of several months, to […]

Car in fire, burning at night

Custody Battle Ends in Flames

Zoey, the three year old daughter of Cherone Coleman, a 36-year-old medical assistant, and Martin Pereira, a 39-year-old construction worker, was murdered as a result of an ugly custody battle. In March of this year, the couple had split up. They were engaged to be married, but no information was given for their split. There […]


Kanye’s Easter Service

The merchandise lines seemed to go on forever, as the people of Coachella waited patiently to grab a pair of socks that read “Jesus Walks” and “Church Socks,” and a sweatshirt that read “Sunday Service at the Mountain.” The merchandise ranged from $50-$225 dollars and can currently be found at a store online.  These are […]


Recall That “Sleeper”!

When 32 infant deaths have been associated with the Rock n’ Sleeper from Fisher-Price, why is it still on the market? You read it right, 32 infants have died while in the sleeper. The federal government and Fisher-Price issued a warning on April 5  regarding the product while safety advocates stated it was not good […]

10 Most Unique and Uncommon Jobs

10. Veterinary Acupuncturist I have never done acupuncture, but know many who preach on it and have it done on their animals! As part of the ancient Chinese tradition, it can be used to treat chronic pain, allergies, and other syndromes. These magic workers make around $80,000 annually. 9. Body Art Model Don’t most people […]

Video camera lens

Hidden Cameras

Citizens would like to think they live lives that are private and that personal matters are kept within the boundary of their homes or workplaces. However, many are discovering that what should be a confidential life has become very public through the use of hidden cameras. They have been found in many places that are […]

Light the World Giving Machine, where people can donate to local or global causes, in the lobby of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake Light the World Giving MachineCity on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018.

Buy A Family A Goat This Christmas??

That’s right. You can donate a goat to a poor family on the other side of the world. How you may ask, is this possible? …from a vending machine. With growing popularity, charitable vending machines are making a big difference in the lives of families statewide and on a global level this Christmas season. The […]

Elderly father adult son and grandson out for a walk in the park.

Who Will Care For The Baby Boomers?

Susan and Beth sat down for a pleasant lunch discussing their summer plans, both having lost their husbands and each a few years into retirement. Having been friends for such a long time, health issues were discussed and each had children and family out of the state. Then the comment crept to the surface, “Who […]